Saturday, August 1, 2009

Ding Dong the Mouse is Gone

(Day 51 of 112)

It’s time to celebrate. The little rodent infestation that I had (as described here) has been dealt with effectively. Before leaving for Bombay I left an entire packet of Mortein Rat Poison out in the open as bait. Some might think a little excessive for one small dormouse. But I disagree. Especially since it had been living under my bed, amidst my shoes for a very long time (yes, I had my shoes thoroughly cleaned before even thinking about them, let alone wear them).

Sometime during my vacation, I realised that leaving poison out for the mouse will mean having to deal with the corpse when I get back home. It was also brought to my notice that the sight might not be the worse thing assaulting my senses. Thus it wasn’t with a very brave heart that I ventured forth into my closed for a month and a half house. I don’t think I have ever been through my house so slowly and with eyes half shut. I was opening doors standing as far away as possible, and sneaking around, afraid I’d come across a semi-decomposed mouse body. Oddly enough, there was none.

This left me perplexed. I hadn’t given the wily minx enough credit

Today I got the maid to clean the house (by opening the main door and telling her to clean it, taking her own time, and then calling for me at the neighbours house where I was catching up with a friend). When the maid was done, I took a quick look around and then suddenly thought to ask her whether a mouse had been found.

“Yes madam” was the delightful and happy reply. “But it was all messed up and half dry” she continued.

Who cares? The mouse is gone, and I haven’t been traumatised by it’s sight (or smell). *Jigging away* Here's to Rat Poison and efficient maids!


jhayu said...

Haw! My mom gives me grief for day-old dabbas! Your maid said NOTHING for weeks dead mouse?

Avantika A. said...

lol. But then i pay the maid to curse me silently in her head instead of on my face!! :D Mothers unfortunately dont come with this option...