Sunday, August 2, 2009

Of Family Dinners and Trauma

(Day 52 of 112)

Annoying brats, an annoyed and fed-up pre-teen, unconcerned mothers, whispered gossip about family members, lots of food, the TV showing ‘Rakhi Ka Swayamvar’ (at full volume), one uncle permanently on the phone, teenage boys forced to be there, a grand-uncle lounging on the sofa making noises at the toddler, yet another grand-uncle being his usual know-it-all stupid self, and me, trying not to burst into tears out of sheer and ultimate boredom.

I don’t know how I get dragged into situations like these. And I promise myself every time, never again. Even the food wasn’t good enough to overwrite all the above. I didn’t even have my sister to make eye contact with and exchange frustrated and sometimes (very rarely) amused glances.

What makes it worse is that yesterday night too there was dinner at my aunt’s house (where I happen to be staying for a few days). The guest list was the same and by the time dinner was served, I had a splitting headache due to the sheer noise level. I don’t understand what it is with women getting together and then yelling and laughing (cackling more like) at the top of their already loud voices. And then the children want to compete with them and cry at their loudest. Then there is always that one smart alec who decides to watch TV and then turns the volume up to full. And I’m not even going to start on people talking across rooms/floors.

So right now I don’t know what’s worse – the fact that I had to suffer through two dinners with the same (and some very annoying) people and more or less same noise/stupidity levels, or the fact that the food was terrible.

The trauma never ends I tell you.


Anonymous said...

it seems frustration get best outa you on this blog.. lol

and i wonder how much u travel..mumbai-ahmedabad-mumbai(probaly)- now few days at aunts place...

Anonymous said...


forgot to put da name