Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Of Tresses and Trust

(Day 54 of 112)

I took a big step today. I overcame my trust issues when it came to getting my hair cut. It may not sound like a big deal, especially to guys (well not all guys, but most in any case) but a haircut is quite a serious issue.

A haircut or rather the hairstylist (politically correct word for barber/hair cutter) holds in its power the ability to make or break your self image. A good haircut often leads to an ego boost and a confidence arising from the knowledge that your hair looks good. On the flip side, a bad cut will damage you to no end and be the cause of extreme self doubt and negative body image. Ok, maybe that’s a little extreme, but a bad haircut will definitely not do you any good mentally.

And so, for the last 7 odd years, I’d been getting my tresses (hah!) styled/chopped off at the same place in Bombay. I trusted the stylists there to do a good job and they always did. But now I don’t live in Bombay anymore.

So I decided it’s time to shake the balance of things (and learn to deal with change). This brings me to how I placed my trust in the hands (and scissor yielding skills) of a new hairdresser (I don’t trust her enough yet to call her a stylist). Even while she was cutting my hair my mind was busy making comparisons and I think I even winced a couple of times. I even told her about my trust issues I think. Thankfully she agreed with me instead of getting all offended (phew!). After she was done and I was free to go, I took one (final) look in the mirror and decided to make up my mind about the new haircut later.

It’s later and I still haven’t decided.

All I know is that the 2 months before I meet the Fellow will serve to grow out my hair and he won’t even know the difference!


jhayu said...

Here's a question on behalf of all men. If you don't tell the Fellow about the haircut, is he expected to know there was one when he sees it two months later?

Avantika A. said...


Well, speaking for women in general, i think the answer would be yes. He would also be expected to make some remarks about how i've become thinner etc! :D

Now speaking for myself - No. The Fellow and i have a very clear understanding about not expecting him to do things that he is not genetically equipped for. It's not playing fair. So he is allowed to not notice haircuts and new clothes and i'm allowed to complain about boys and video games! :D