Sunday, August 30, 2009

Of Dogs and Monkeys

(Day 80 of 112)

For the first time today, I actually ran away from a dog. On the whole I’m a dog-liker (lover would be too strong a word since I refuse to have them jump on my bed or lick my face). But yesterday, I found a dog I can be afraid of. It’s not surprising since the fat, over-fed and frankly, super stinky canine snapped at me a couple of weeks back. It wouldn’t have been so bad if I had been annoying/torturing the dog. But no. Apparently the dog was feeling antsy. Hmph.

And today he did it again. In fact, not content at barking threateningly at me, he followed me while I ran and took refuge in the car. And whatever anyone (Read: the Fellow) might say, he was definitely not looking to play with me. I can recognise a friendly bark from a mean one. So there I was, sitting in the car, waiting for the crazy canine to be escorted indoors. Once the coast was clear, I stepped out happily, only to come face to face with a massive monkey perched happily on the wall and staring at me with slightly maniacal eyes and a weird face twitch.

Needless to say, I clutched my poor heart (which was already overworked) and circumvented my way into safety and post-traumatic stress.

[Note added later: As was pointed out to me (hmph), this was the second time i ran away from a dog. Here is an account of the first.]

1 comment:

Pranav said...

This has been the greatest test i have ever faced, in terms of my ability to keep my mouth shut