Saturday, September 5, 2009

Of Road Trips and Semi-Comatose States

(Day 86 of 112)

So, readers of this blog will know that most times I use this medium of communication for venting pent up emotions (read: complaining and whining). I can’t help it really. Most things that happen to me demand that they be complained about.

Like today. The in-laws and I went to a relative’s home about 40 kms from Shimla. Now while this doesn’t seem like a lot, in the mountains, the curving, winding roads makes it seem just so much longer and definitely more painful.

Why painful? Because I’m extremely motion sick. And mountain roads don’t help one bit. In fact so little do they help that the last time some cousins decided to go for coffee (a 20 minute drive through super twisty roads), I ended up in the hotel bathroom throwing up.

And so the only way to travel longish distances on these roads is to be medicated and in a semi-comatose state. This effectively means that I make a terrible travel companion as all I do is sleep my head off (generally on the shoulder of the person sitting to me). It doesn’t matter how long the journey is. I can sleep right through it, if only to avoid throwing up (not that it helps all the time).

But today it did help. All through the 80 odd kilometres that we travelled today, I was drugged and asleep in the backseat of the car, happily oblivious to anything around me. Only once did I get up, and that because my feet felt cold. But since the MIL gave me the FIL’s sweater to keep warm, it wasn’t long before I was stretched out in a contented semi-comatose state again, warm feet and all.

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