Sunday, September 26, 2010

Of That Fragrance

Warning: Out of character mushy post follows.

I don’t know if it happens with everyone or only with me, but I tend to make very strong memories revolving around certain smells and fragrances. And then years later, all I need to do is get a whiff of a certain perfume and I find myself galloping down memory lane at full speed.

Today it was Axe Click. An almost empty can of the deodorant was found and one sniff almost brought tears to my eyes. And no, I’m not this weepy usually - must be all the hormones. Anyhoo. This scent brings back memories of when the Fellow and I were dating (and he wore it all the time). And even though it wasn’t that back in the past, there is a certain nostalgia attached to it. A certain combination of feelings and emotions that come rushing back, making it seem like just yesterday when we were wondering about our future, whether we would even get one together and what it would hold for us. And so the deo doesn’t remind me only of the good times. It also reminds me of all those times when things were bumpy and a tight hug was the only thing that felt right with the world – a hug that brought me closer to that scent and a feeling of being safe somehow.

A feeling I always associate with the Fellow. And with this scent.


Anonymous said...

Awwww! This is just so sweet. Memories are funny things, really!

Avantika A. said...

They are :) I refuse to throw the can away now!

Pranav said...

maybe axe has it wrong.. its not the scent that attracts you to the man.... its the man that attracts you to the scent

(there...happy?!!...and when everyone wonders why i wrote such a senti comment-can you specify that you told me to)

Avantika A. said...

I asked you to comment here. And not only on chat moron. Take responsibility.

Pin said...

I love it how you refer to your other half as 'The Fellow'.

Avantika A. said...

@Pin: Makes it so much easier to refer to him in public. Paranoid android he is! :P

Avantika A. said...

Hey thanks Alok :)

Ashmita said...

The exact same thing happens with me.
I associate memories, places, people with fragrances.
It's the quickest route down memory lane I feel. But somehow, very few people get that.

Could totally relate to the post. :)

Avantika A. said...

Thanks Ashmita :)

Rehab said...

Awwwwww...some! :)

Avantika A. said...

@Rehab: =D