Tuesday, January 6, 2009

No Bruises Yet

It’s been a month and a few days. The Fellow and I are still alive with all our limbs intact. The gloves have come off quite a few times but there are no bruises and broken bones (yet).

Each day brings a new surprise (usually some really ugly t-shirt from his wardrobe) and another addition to the ‘things of the Fellow to get rid off in a nice and diplomatic manner so that he believes it was his idea to start with’ and/or the emergence of another wire/gaming device/computer thingy from another over stuffed trunk/bag/cupboard to join the million and one other wires laid out in beautiful intertwined swirls and spirals all over the floor. And then there is usually the nice redeeming thing of the day the Fellow does which makes up for having to live with a boy, which ranges from folding the clothes and putting them away (without being told even once) to enduring vegetarian dinners with my family day after day with a smile on his face.

On another front, instead of breaking his gaming habit I’ve seemed to develop a rather unfortunate one myself. The Fellow can now be found grumbling about how he has to fight me for the PSP, an eventuality he never even considered when planning to enter the marital state.  

Like I said, the gloves have come off. 

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