Thursday, October 16, 2008

Weird Conversation...

…between my sister and me over a tanpura. She finally bought a cover for her tanpura today from one of the umpteen music stores she passes to and fro from work (thanks to the taxi strike today she was actually at their doorstep walking to work and dragging her tired ass back from it).

So she asks me to hold one end of the instrument and since I was, at the moment, relaxing in a horizontal state of relaxation, I stretched out a hand to receive it. Apparently not the smartest thing to do, since I was reprimanded quite strictly.

Sister: You can’t hold it in one hand like that!

Me: Why not? I can. Give it to me I’ll hold it.

Sister: No. I have to put the cover on it and you will have to support the entire weight of the tanpura. Like a baby.

Me: Huh?

Sister: It’s like changing a diaper on a baby.

Me: What?

Sister: When you’re changing a baby’s diaper you lift the entire bottom up na? It’s like that.

Me: (incredulous) You’re comparing your tanpura to a baby’s bottom?

Sister: Yes and frankly it’s more delicate. You can tilt and turn a baby and it won’t break. My tanpura will.


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