Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Prioritize What?

Why does it happen that there are days when I have no agenda at all, no plans to carry out, no errands to run and definitely no lists to write and rewrite. And then I have so much to do (all at the same time) and so many places to be, and even worse, a deadline within which to do it that my head threatens to burst with all the activity inside it. Management and organizational texts (as well as people who want to give their opinions on everything) will tell me that prioritization is the key to everything. They will say that you need to make lists and go about ticking them off according to what can’t wait for a minute to what can be deferred till the next day.

I have a much better solution. Make the list. Look at it and clutch your head in worry. Calculate the number of days till deadline. Look at the list again. Try and prioritize what you see. Fail miserably. Put the list on your pin-board. Forget about it. Get blogging.

For now I’m in denial. Panic I shall later.

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