Thursday, April 14, 2011

That Connection

Sometimes you could know a person for years and yet not know them. And then sometimes you meet someone with whom you just connect, and it's really really odd.

Today a virtual connection of a couple of years (finally) became a real one. And contrary to the popular belief that people who are entertaining online aren't in person, the intelligence, wit, insight and laughter was all present in reality too.

Over deep fried chicken with cheese, calamari, chicken wrapped bacon, a funny pizza with awesome toppings, doughnuts, rings, and a haircut, a friendship was forged. I think.

And if the doughnuts did not help, maybe all the grinning several hours later did.


Rehab said...

I know this feeling!

Such fun to meet strangers and welcome them into your lives with open arms :D

Avantika A. said...

:) Strangers are now some of my funnest friends!