Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Behind the Scenes at a Big Fat Marwari Wedding

The sister gets married in less than two weeks and while things have been a little crazy since her engagement last July, we are now close to the finishing line and everything is now a blur and slightly manic.

Wedding outfits are fighting with shoes and bangles for bag and wardrobe space, we're fighting physics when trying to fit 20 gift bags in a carton that will hold only 13, the bride is fighting all the yummy winter food and trying to stay in shape, the hugely pregnant sister-in-law is fighting with the universe and sulking about not being able to attend the wedding (she's also fighting with the baby and asking it to be born already), and the dog is simply fighting for attention.

Everywhere you turn there is a wedding related bag, box or list you see. The grandmother's house has been effectively taken over by the wedding party and i think she's a little in shock sover the sheer quantity of stuff that's emerging from every corner. Aunts are constantly in and out of the house with random bits of tradition they remember with regards to the marriage ceremony, all of which require more shopping (obviously). Jewellery is being reviewed and trips to and from the jeweller are on the to-do list for each day.

Tomorrow the NRI uncle and family arrive, complete with shopping list and bigger than the dog suitcases. Tomorrow is also when we start practice for the north-indian staple at any wedding - the (mahila) sangeet. And if the universe behaves like it usually does, we'll find ourselves knee deep in double sided tape, suitcases, cellophane paper and files of lists when the sister-in-law's baby will decide to finally be born.

And therein lies another blog post.

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