b) I can’t throw a tantrum in a restaurant when my food is late (I mean I can but as a grown up its just filthy manners) and I’m ravenously hungry!
c) I can’t get a Happy Meal in McD (because I want the Kungfu Panda toy) without the cap wearing dude getting judgemental and giving me weird looks.
d) In the ladies room at theatres, I have to give up my place to a little girl squirming and hopping behind me! (Ok maybe I don’t have to, but I’m a decent person, and I didn’t want my new shoes getting wet!)
e) People in stores address me as ma’am. And I don’t think it’s out of politeness. Grumble mumble.
f) I can’t address shopkeepers and the like as uncle anymore…they’re probably my age! (This is really sad coz the uncle bit really helped in bargaining).
g) I have to be really neat in having an ice-cream cone (not that I want to be messy, but I envy children their fun and abandon).
h) I don’t get to have big birthday parties with balloons and lots of cake and wafers and loads of presents and even a clown playing party games.
i) The whole village and its uncle is wondering why I’m not married yet.
j) My friends get married/get jobs and leave the country to move to another time zone!
k) I don’t get to meet my friends as much as I would want to because all of them are also growing up!
l) My life becomes so mundane and routine that I can come up with this list without too much trouble.
Good Old Days

PS: Feel free to add to this list. I know i have loads more.
1 comment:
the very same things my adults adored in me as a child - the clumsiness, the uncaring life, et al.
they suddenly turn into repulsive traits as soon as i turned 18.
but the best bit is in keeping those traits alive. sure, i'm clumsy, and rather irresponsible, but that's fun! and for a retard like me, all these small defects in me make me more fun for myself.
too may 'me's?
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