Everyone has that one shining moment in their careers that defines them. For the scientist it is that elusive, path-breaking discovery, for the student it is acing a competitive exam, for the writer it is finally being a bestseller, and for the actor is that performance that makes him and his character synonymous. For Christopher Reeves it was Superman, for Sir Anthony Hopkins Hannibal Lecter, and the Godfather can only be Al Pacino.
And now, Heath Ledger will be, forever more, The Joker. In a performance that sends a shiver down the audience’s spine and makes them gasp and shudder, Heath Ledger has his defining moment. He brings the Joker to life in a way that has never been done before, playing the psychotic, schizophrenic, maniacal killer to perfection. From the rapid eye movements to the quick flick of the tongue to the sinister voice, everything makes the Joker larger than life and very real.
The Dark Knight maybe a Batman movie, but it really belongs to Ledger and the Joker. He makes the movie worth its while. He gives it the punch and the evil. He gives the performance of a life time, unfortunately an abruptly shortened one. It’s almost like he is mocking the audience from the screen and reminding us of the brilliant actor he was.

With The Joker, Heath Ledger has ensured he isn’t forgotten. A final, brilliant performance – his Swan Song if you will.
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